Knowledge Hub

Patient education is a priority for COGA doctors. Here we regularly add information about gynaecological health and updates from our practice. 

Please note: we often refer to ‘women’s health’ for practicality. In doing so we refer to all people requiring gynaecological and obstetric care, including trans and non-binary people, and other gender expressions too. Everyone is welcome at COGA.

Gynaecological Services
Mental Health
Pelvic Organs
Women’s Nutrition
Pause on the use of surgical mesh for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence
In line with the Director-General of Health’s recommendation, and advice from our professional body RANZCOG, COGA gynaecologists...
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What to talk about with your GP if you think you might have endometriosis.
Commonly causing fertility problems and pain, endometriosis affects around 1 in 10 reproductive age women. For most sufferers,...
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Why are we having fewer babies?
In New Zealand our current birth rate is at an all-time low of 1.6. What's behind the baby bust?
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Are you filled with rage at certain times of the month? You’re not alone.
There are various explanations for rage, and one of them is hormones. Here are some reasons why and a few solutions to c...
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Treating period pain at different ages and stages
Treatment for period pain is dependent on where you are in life’s journey: adolescence, reproductive years or hitting me...
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Urinary incontinence is uncomfortable and inconvenient
A guide to pessaries for urinary incontinence and prolapse
Pessaries have been around for a very long time, the oldest known pessary – as described by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates...
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Make an appointment

Our expert gynaecologists are caring practitioners who prioritise patient education. The first step toward understanding your options is to get in touch with us.

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